Revolution Television is the home of REVOLUTION TELEVISION, broadcasting the most informative and censored segments on the Internet.

Here are our latest and most popular productions on the “COVID Coup.”

COVID Explosive Exposure

Prophetic Scientific Intelligence

revolution television: coronavirus predictive programming


revolution television

COVID-19 Biocrime

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″ css=”.vc_custom_1405954490755{padding-left: 0px !important;}”][videotube post_type=”video” type=”main” carousel=”” autoplay=”” show=”4″ id=”pagebuilder3202″ rows=”1″ columns=”2″ cat=”351″ post_category=”” today=”” thisweek=”” navigation=”” icon=”none” orderby=”ID” order=”DESC”][videotube type=”main” show=”18″ id=”video-widget-3911″ rows=”1″ columns=”2″ navigation=”on” title=”Recent Videos” orderby=”ID” order=”DESC” icon=”none” post_type=”video” carousel=”” autoplay=”” cat=”347″ post_category=”” today=”” thisweek=””][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Media Completely Uncensored by Big Pharma


spirit cooking



Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane (a.k.a., “The HOROKANE”) have been at the forefront of exposing the world’s worst villains, including the “shadow governors” and “Militant Media” advancing terrorism, multi-national corporate fascism, and assorted crimes against humanity.

Ms. Kane’s death on January 7, 2021 was brought on by “malicious manslaughter” according to a police report and complaint submitted by Dr. Horowitz to the Justice Department’s Inspector General.

Dr. Horowitz and Ms. Kane were also on the front lines in the spiritual battle between good and evil, advancing the “528 LOVERevolution” featuring “medicinal music” made in the frequency of 528Hz–the sound at the heart of nature–ideal for natural healing.

Both journalists were victimized by the “systemic injustice” about which many simply close their eyes and silence voices of opposition and life-saving activism. Yet, The HOROKANE have been sustained and applauded by many supporters worldwide who have kept these activists in their prayers, including Ms. Kane now ‘on the other side.’

Meanwhile, Dr. Horowitz keeps outputting articles, books, videos and films, such as seen here on, thereby keeping “We The People” informed.

Visit, and to read Dr. Horowitz’s latest reports on corruption in health science and politics; and view to consider the doctor’s prescriptions for curing the “world gone mad.” Together, he optimistically argues, “We can co-create peace, sustainability, and optimal prosperity, by bringing the satanically-possessed criminal-psychopaths damaging everyone (including themselves) to justice.”

Visit and, to learn more about the solutions Dr. Horowitz recommends. And listen to the music on to gain ‘frequency therapy’ and ‘vibrational-protection’ against evil dissonance broadcasting globally now via 5G. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

8 Responses

  1. This is the greatest thing I have ever seen. I finally found people who share my passion for 528. I have been advocating 528 for many years. I was a music major in college and was harassed and mocked for my beliefs on 528. I was actually kicked out of the composition department at my college for composing pieces that only used 528. I was ordered to compose with other frequencies or I would be removed from the comp department. I did not back down.

    I have been doing research with 528 and plant activity. I have found and proven that plants are communicating at a frequency of 174240 Hz ,which is 330 time 528 which is 528 x the age of jesus when he died (33) x 10. Plants are communicating with each other continuously and we as humans murder them at alarming rates. For this reason i ask you both to join me in refusing to eat any plant life. The only way for the world to be in harmony is to rid it of humans, That is why I think it is time for humans to do the right thing and remove ourselves from the equation. For this reason I have begun a hunger strike until it kills me and ask you to join me and the suffering we inflict on other life from simply so we can live. Thank you for your inspiration. I love you both and my 528 ring in your ears fro eternity,

  2. I have been messing around with a few math algorithms and have discovered a very interesting anomaly in regards to numbers I found. Can I talk to a leading authority about this? Thanks Ryan

  3. Hello Dr Horowitz and Ms. Kane. ..this is tom and Lynn in North Carolina. Please add us to the email list for revolution television. Ok thank you, cheers. Keep up the great work you’re doing and we appreciate you. We believe in what you’re doing and it’s the beginning of our journey to do more of the same. Thank you

  4. Do you have a CD or book cant find vaccinecide my son cant read they are pumping him full of vaccinations if you have a book I will read it to him

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