This video, honorably bringing attention to the ‘vaccination debate,’ dishonorably omits the most important and obvious facts in science, medicine, and politics pursuant to vaccinations’ viral genetics being the sweeping cause of myriad ‘New World’ cancers and auto-immune diseases. This MKULTRA-like fraudulent concealment and irresponsible journalism presents the impression that Sharyl Attkison is controlled opposition. The diversion from the ‘main issues’ in ‘vaccinecide’ discredits the ‘Full Measure’ segment.
Controlled opposition is a fundamental practice in the administration of social-engineering and profitable depopulation. This perfected strategy is central to the MKULTRA and MKNAOMI mind control, health science, and media programming operations administered by the Deep State (and Big Pharma). This is where the ‘rubber-meets-the-road’ in every aspect of public debate, especially regarding cancer virology, vaccinology, biochemical weaponry, radiation (frequency) warfare, and ‘alternative medicine.’ This MKULTRA influence is evidenced by diversions away from the NCI’s concealed contracts during the Special Virus Cancer Program and the silence and white-washings that surround them.
MKNAOMI’s policies under MKULTRA’s mind-control umbrella leverages FEAR (‘False Evidence Appearing Real’). This is akin to ‘bioterrorism’ for social-engineering through mind-manipulation. Instilling beliefs and persuading attitudes is habit-forming and profitable to the drug and vaccine industrialists. This includes the habit of trusting mind-controlled health officials and medical doctors with our lives.
This contrivance imposes ‘disease control’ rather than disease prevention and cure. This commerce favors profitable depopulation. Imposed shortages of resources—food, water, air, drugs and vaccines–that favor heightened demand and greater profits, status quo politics, and globalists’ power.
Diagnosing this disturbing reality that includes controlled opposition programming relies on common sense, made uncommon by MKULTRA’s media manipulations.