Dr Leonard Horowitz on Carl Nelson Show – Treasonous Coronavirus Conspiracy
Treasonous Coronavirus Conspiracy: An Interview with Dr Leonard Horowitz Hosted by Carl Nelson Following-up on Dr. Horowitz’s previous Carl Nelson Show interview, and the doctor’s production of Coronavirus Predictive Programming — freely and exclusively viewable online at RevolutionTelevision.net, this public education production is presented courtesy of Dr. Horowitz in association with Medical Veritas International Inc.
Dr Leonard Horowitz Interviewed on Coronavirus on Late Night In The Midlands
A fascinating and revealing lengthy radio interview by Late Night in the Midlands host, Michael Vara with Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz on the ‘Coronavirus Pandemic’.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz Interviewed by RBN Radio on CORONAVIRUS
A revealing interview with Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz concerning the ‘Coronavirus Emergency’ hosted by ‘The Liberty Man’–John J.R. on Republic Broadcasting Network.
Coronavirus Scientific Fraud
Are Bill and Melinda Gates Transgender?
Jimmy Dore exposes Deep State Big Pharma
Comedian and host of “The Jimmy Dore Show” Jimmy Dore joined FNC’s Tucker Carlson Wednesday evening to discuss the situation in Iowa where the state Democratic Party claims to have made a tabulation error, delaying the release of the results. TUCKER CARLSON: I’m not a conspiracy guy. I don’t think I’m paranoid. I’m looking at the accumulation of facts, which grows larger every day. I’m starting to think there is a real effort not in public but behind the scenes to prevent Bernie Sanders from getting the nomination by the Democratic establishment. Am I imagining that? JIMMY DORE: You are not imagining that. When I look at what is happening in the Democratic primary and especially what is happening now in Iowa, what I think is not only is democracy alive, but it’s thriving. TUCKER CARLSON: That’s a good point. JIMMY DORE: This is really, of course, this is the DNC right by where they took over the counting of the votes. Did you know that they took over the counting of the votes? The DNC came in. Apparently they don’t have anybody who knows how to count stuff in Iowa so they have to have the DNC come in. I don’t know if you know, the DNC rigged the last primary against Bernie Sanders. Those are the same people, and by the way, the same people who rigged the primary against Bernie last time are the ones involved in making this app, right? So they got a bunch of people who worked on Hillary’s campaign that work now at “Shadow,” and they helped build this app. All of a sudden — here’s the thing, Tucker, I have seen Glenn Greenwald make this point before. If these were honest mistakes, you would expect some of the mistakes to go in Bernie’s favor and some to go in the DNC’s favor. But all the mistakes are always going in the establishment’s favor. That’s how you know these aren’t mistakes. By the way, when they released those 62% of the vote they are going to release those results, how do they decide to stop at 62%? Where is the transparency? Why did they pick those counties? There is no transparency. This is obviously — how are they going to cheat Bernie? This is how they do it. If you know what the headline was all day yesterday and today on cable news, on CNN and MSNBC, is Pete Buttigieg is in the lead. He is retaining his lead. That’s the story they want everybody to know. And that’s what half the country now thinks is that Pete Buttigieg won Iowa. TUCKER CARLSON: So many levels of irony here. Pick out of a hat here is one. Some of the same people who are rejudge tailgating this propaganda, counting the votes in Iowa are the same ones who spent the last three years telling us that Russia was subverting our democracy and that the sanctity of elections was the most important thing in American life. Are you noticing this? JIMMY DORE: I am noticing that, apparently Russians work for Shadow, and they run the Iowa Democratic Party. Apparently, because so, yeah, of course, I was one of the few shows that debunked Russiagate and saw through that. This is all kind of tied together because Russiagate is the result of the failure of the Democratic party to present a platform that gets people who want to vote Democrat off the couch to vote for them. So they can’t actually offer them anything because they are beholden to their donors the same people who control the Republican Party control the Democratic Party. We don’t really have two parties, right? So they have to do Russiagate and impeachment and all these circus shows, right? To distract you from the fact that the Democratic Party doesn’t represent workers anymore, that they actually represent big pharma, health insurance, the military-industrial complex, and Wall Street. That’s why all this is happening and that’s why they have to cheat Bernie Sanders, because he is going to upset their game, their money game. That’s why they have got to stop him before. The first job of the Democratic Party is to stop the candidate who represents the workers and then and only then can they turn their attention towards Donald Trump. TUCKER CARLSON: Is that why we never have debates about the tax code? We spent spend a lot of time on bathrooms and these kinds of peripheral social issues. I can’t remember the last time somebody talked about carried interest. Can you? JIMMY DORE: Tucker, as Nancy Pelosi is ripping up Donald Trump’s speech, she is passing his legislative agenda. And, also, if you watched closely last night, you got to see her applaud Donald Trump’s imperialism when it comes vis-a-vis Venezuela. I know you did good work on Venezuela. We all know these foreign entanglements are just CIA plots that steel resources and give it to American corporations. They admitted so much. John Bolton admittd on FOX News that’s what Venezuela was. You saw the one-party rule last night. You saw Nancy Pelosi applauding and getting up with Juan Guaido, who is a CIA appointed puppet leader of Venezuela. So you saw that’s the part I like to call out. That’s when they are both in bed with the intelligence community. They are both in bed with the military-industrial complex and so, yeah, you are right. We are not talking about real things. We are talking about Russiagate and phone calls to Ukraine. We are never going to talk about why wouldn’t the Democrats have complete control of the government? They gave us a right-wing healthcare plan anyway. Oh, maybe because there aren’t really two parties. There is one party in America. And they’re both controlled by big business. TUCKER CARLSON: Jimmy Dore, you will take so much abuse for doing this show. But I hope you will come back. Few independent thinkers. Thank you.
Fox News Prodigal Son abuses 528
Fox News Prodigal Son abuses 528 See time code at 17 seconds.
CoronaVirus Predictive Programming by Dr Leonard Horowitz
CoronaVirus Predictive Programming by Dr Leonard Horowitz Coronavirus Predictive Programming is a 52-minute docu-commentary freely and exclusively viewable online at RevolutionTelevision.net. This public education production is presented courtesy of award-winning filmmaker Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz in association with Medical Veritas International Inc. Leading lab virus expert Horowitz slams international “crisis capitalists” in this video production, claiming coronavirus “predictive programmers” are accountable for neglecting, downplaying, and misdirecting the media and governments’ responses to the coronavirus pandemic expanding and risking millions of lives. Shocking revelations in this video includes the solid science proving the 2019 coronavirus outbreaking in China includes the AIDS-virus envelop gene weaponizing the mutant bioweapon against the human immune system. In addition, detailed analysis of the “Event 201” coronavirus preparedness conference sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins University, and the World Economic Forum, provides ‘probable cause’ for officials to investigate ‘industrial espionage’ and ‘commercial bioterrorism’ as motive for the intentional release of the mutant virus. Dr. Horowitz evidences here, better than anyone, the purposeful release of the ‘corona/SARS/HIV lab virus’ by ‘Deep State‘ special interests leveraging both governments–U.S. and China. Is this the long anticipated “Big One” Bill Gates has promoted in the media? Otherwise, why are corporate-controlled news services and the networks censoring all of these most important details? The unprecedented media censorship, omissions, and misrepresentations accompanying this pandemic fraud and coronavirus imposition evidences global depopulation foul play. Coronavirus Predictive Programming and Media Censorship Facebook and Google/YouTube is censoring this intelligence. Trying to link and discuss this film in the social media yields the censorship shown in the adjacent screenshot. (That is why we ask you to help spread this video.) The facts presented in Coronavirus Predictive Programming condemn officials’ “reckless negligence.” Several previous lab virus outbreaks, and the expanding risk of “mutigenic” germs recombining and intertwining their DNA, enabling cross-species jumping, is now proven to have happened to generate the coronavirus pandemic, as Horowitz and few others forewarned. Independent media requests prompted the doctor to conduct a detailed analysis of the coronavirus planning conference held in New York in October, 2019, called Event 201. That “exercise” was sponsored by the World Economic Forum, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Johns Hopkins University. Each sponsor was financed by corporations profiting from genetically-engineered vaccines and anti-viral drugs. In this film, the doctor condemns those who profit from misinforming citizens as well as “brain-washed” health officials complicit with disease planners and profiteers. Combined, they commit ‘pan–genocide.’ “The establishment, or ‘ruling elite,’ properly called the ‘Deep State,’ has placed civilization at risk of extinction,” Dr. Horowitz says. “The censorship surrounding this subject is unconscionable and criminal,” he adds. “People are dying as a result of officials who recklessly neglect common sense and scientific evidence, undermining humanity’s health and safety. “The message in this film is you’d have to be an idiot or imbecile to trust leading health officials who jeopardize humanity for multinational corporate payoffs.” Besides this, Dr. Horowitz says, “Simple self-care instructions and low cost solutions that could save millions of lives are recklessly neglected.” Neglecting these warnings This video features a group of preparedness experts who met in October, 2019, to predict what would happen following a coronavirus outbreak that suspiciously occurred two months later. In addition, FOX News anchors are shown circumventing and diverting from these details. All corporate-controlled media are guilty of reckless negligence and complicity in genocide for neglecting the doctor’s accurate and relentless warnings. The risk to public health and safety of this kind of a mutant lab virus out-breaking into a deadly pandemic was immanent, according to Dr. Horowitz who has been shunned by all major news outlets despite his relentless notices. Horowitz has been the world’s most prolific, vocal, and generally-censored critic of biotechnology, genetic engineering, and bio-weapons research and development. He has argued in numerous books, films, science papers, and legislative hearings since 1996 that HIV/AIDS, for instance, broke out from science labs administered by a group of cancer and vaccine industrialists. Now, the “reckless negligence” has resulted in a massive number of deaths, just as Horowitz forewarned. His science is corroborated by new genetic analyses published by a team of gene-sequencing experts affiliated with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), the University of New Delhi, IBM, and New York University at Stonybrook. The team’s nine experts, led by Prashant Pradhan, the Chief Technical Officer for IBM in Asia, used the WATSON computer to identify a ‘smoking-gun’ in the new most deadly coronavirus.
Event 201_Coronavirus Pandemic Drill
Coronavirus Predictive Programming Selected moments from the Event 201 pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated the pandemic preparedness efforts needed to diminish the large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic. Drawing from actual events, Event 201 identifies important policy issues and preparedness challenges that could be solved with sufficient political will and attention. These issues were designed in a narrative to engage and educate the participants and the audience. http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/
NEWS Department of Health Hawaii Falsified Investigation Into Patient’s Death.
Predictive Programming of Kobe Bryant Helicoptor Crash on Comedy Central 2016
Dr Leonard Horowitz Discusses MedCult On the Carl Nelson Show
Dr Leonard Horowitz Discusses MedCult