(, Sept 3, 2024) THE GREAT ‘LOVE 528’ SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCY THERAPY DEBATE features celebrity author and scientist, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, and Javin Arambula–a frequency therapy scholar, responding to Jonathan Goldman and his wife, Andi, representing the “‘LOVE 528’FREQUENCY” as speculative contrary to Dr. Horowitz’s claims. These differences are reviewed and debated in this EXTRAORDINARY and VITALLY IMPORTANT video presentation.
This GREAT “LOVE 528” Solfeggio frequency debate began in late August, 2024, when the Goldman’s published a video titled “Secrets of the Solfeggio Frequencies.” Therein they stated that one of the “biggest secrets about the Solfeggio frequencies” is that before anyone could hear them it was Jonathan Goldman who remedied this by developing the “Holy Harmony Tuning Fork Set.” Is this an accurate statement?
“No. not entirely,” says Dr. Horowitz.
Jonathan Goldman is widely known as the “world’s leading sound healing expert.” He operates a store,, that sells the tuning forks that Dr. Horowitz helps sell and made popular through his many presentations and his store,
“It was Michael Walton who first enabled people to hear the Solfeggio frequencies using his Korg Oasis synthesizer,” Horowitz said. “There were many of who were present during the first trials. Goldman was apparently working around the same time to develop his tuning forks.”
There has been a worldwide popularity explosion advancing the Solfeggio frequencies. These were used in music and therapies beginning in 1998 with Dr. Horowitz’s publication of the bestselling book, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse (Kindle/Amazon). Goldman acknowledges Horowitz for this book and the revelations therein that prompted Goldman’s ‘guides’ to inspire him to develop his Solfeggio frequency tuning forks.
Alternatively, Andi Goldman states that it was Jonathan who started the Solfeggio Frequency popularity. Is this accurate?
In lieu of the great popularity, Goldman stated in his “Sound Satsang” video that he followed this matter of the Solfeggio growing in popularity globally. However, he mentions that his August 2024 video was “the first time” he has commented on this explosive growth in interest. He stated that he was moved to produce his video demystifying the Solfeggio frequencies because he says “a lot of people don’t known about them.”
Goldman’s “Sound Satsang” provides some background on where he learned about the Solfeggio frequencies from Horowitz. The Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse book moved Goldman to produce his very popular tuning fork set.
Dr. Horowitz responds here by revealing what he knows about the Goldman’s involvement in this field of Solfeggio Frequency therapeutics.

Initially, Goldman contacted Dr. Horowitz to ask whether there were six Solfeggio frequencies, or perhaps nine. The doctor replied affirmatively to the latter. He explained to Goldman the mathematical pattern provided by the six frequencies The pattern enabled Horowitz to discern the complete “Perfect Circle of Sound” that he trademarked. The logo on the left depicts all nine tones.
Goldman admits learning from Dr. Horowitz about there being 9 tones in the sequence, but erroneously states that perhaps the Solfeggio frequencies came from “an interpretation” of the New Testament in the King James Bible.
“That is not correct,” Dr. Horowitz says. “Anyone reading Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, and seriously considering that section of the Book of Numbers, can determine and examine the verse numbers that reveal the Solfeggio frequencies. They follow the pattern of repeating verses).”
Goldman also theorizes that perhaps one of the doctors, either Dr. Horowitz or his source, Dr. Joseph Puleo, “channelled” this information from the “Christ energy.”
Is that accurate?
“No. Not really,” replies Dr. Horowitz. The book clearly details how and why Jesus came to Dr. Puleo in a vision, and directed “Joey” to that section of the Book of Numbers (7:12-83) that provides the encrypted frequencies. The verse numbers provide the pattern. Every six verses repeat. The verse numbers then lay out the pattern. For instance, 528 is the “gold offering”–the most valuable element in the Solfeggio sequence. Jesus was credited by Dr. Publeo for the revelation of this Bible code encryption.
In his video presentation, Jonathan Goldman shows a CD he produced called “Holy Harmony.” This, he says, was very well received by audiences, including Dr. Horowitz and Dr. Puleo.
This is true. In fact, Dr. Horowitz has been promoting and selling Goldman’s Holy Harmony CD from its production. He claims, “Holy Harmony is one of the most powerful therapeutic CDs ever produced.”
Goldman, and his wife Andi, assert that the Solfeggio Frequencies were not know before “the 1800s” They further assert that people who claim earlier are misguided. Horowitz disagrees. He provides substantial opposition to this “misperception.”
Also, the Goldmans report that the Solfeggio Frequencies are a “modern construct,” because people did not know before the 1800s the correlation between these frequencies and anything. They claim that “In ancient times they did not have the specifics.”
That is far from true, Dr. Horowitz argues. “There is no question that musical mathematics is ‘God’s language’, and that the Pythagorians and Magi priesthood were aware of this, as were earlier civilizations.
Goldman also claims that the “idea of ratios” in musical frequencies is “very different” from ancient mystery school Pythagoian mathematics. Dr. Horowitz believes that Goldman makes this point “to defend his limited perception about the mathematical ratios and resonances being somehow imperfect to his ears and brain.”
“He just hasn’t studied the math,” Horowitz says.
Is 528 the “LOVE FREQUENCY”?
Andi and Jonathan Goldman discredit assigning different attributes, such as therapeutic values, to each of the Solfeggio Frequencies. They especially target 528 and Horowitz’s industry. They state specifically that the quality of LOVE, or miracles, being associated with the 528Hz frequency, is false. They further argue that people who make these claims are misguided.
Dr. Horowitz counters this opposition to the “LOVE 528” frequency and its capacity to induce miraculous healings, and DNA repair, by arguing that the contrary position “lacks substantial intelligence already provided in the therapeutic arts and sciences.”
The doctor further argues that anyone’s disparaging, or even challenging, statements regarding the doctor’s “LOVE 528 thesis” “simply evidences a gross neglect of empirical evidence” and facts listed in the following slides from Horowitz’s presentations on this matter.
In Dr. Horowitz’s responsive video (click to view above) he shows the adjacent two slides that list numerous facts supporting the claim that 528Hz is the “LOVE frequency,” also the “‘MI’racle” frequency of the original Solfeggio scale. He describes the Solfeggio math is “God’s language,” with 528 relaying LOVE from the Creator’s heart to human hearts. He argues that 528 is the “Universal Healer.”
“It is also the ‘Life Force’ behind heart-felt loving intention in faithful prayer that produces miraculous manifestations in the physical world,” he insists.
“Frequency plus intent produces healing,” according to Jonathan Goldman. Horowitz agrees, and further asserts that heart-felt loving intention to do good is most powerfully broadcast to and from the heart in 528Hz. “That is the ‘clear-channel’ to ‘Divine communion.’ This is what I call the ‘Zone of Bliss.'”
Contrariwise, Jonathan Goldman posits that “the frequency of LOVE assigned to the frequency of 528” is misguided. He states that there are “many many frequencies of love.” Goldman recommends not limiting the value of Love to one frequency, but achieving the best healing by using the entire nine Solfeggio frequency tuning forks that he developed, best used in “ascending order”.
Dr. Horowitz disagrees. The Goldmans, he says, have not kept up with much peer-reviewed science, or even his pioneering works in this field, many published on
Jonathan Goldman states we live in an “incredible fluidity of sound”, so we should not rely on one frequency to accomplish everything, including healing.
Horowitz objects. “LOVE is the ‘Universal Healer,'” he replies. “Since I must conclude that 528Hz is the ‘LOVE frequency’ I must respect 528Hz as extremely special within the nine core creative frequencies, most capable of inspiring healing of presumably every illness.”
Finding Horowitz’s counsel untenable, Goldman recommends that we “expand our consciousness and don’t be self-limiting,” especially when it comes to sound healing. He opposes Horowitz’s reliance on 528Hz alone to accomplish healing miracles. He disclaims his own opinion by saying, “If you believe this, that’s fine,” it might work for you, he says. But he doesn’t recommend reliance on 528Hz as a cure-all frequency.
Horowitz responds by stating that “Jonathan needs to walk his talk.” Goldman has had self-limiting beliefs about 528Hz, and the “LOVE 528” thesis from the very beginning of our association. “I seems go me that Jonathan is taking a damagingly restrictive ‘self-limiting’ position; and it has limited Jonathan’s ‘consciousness’ in this matter.”
528Hz and DNA REPAIR
The Goldman’s herald an alleged new ‘study’ by respected biochemist, Glen Rein, known for his work at the HeartMath Institute, concluding that 528 frequency had no observed impact on DNA expression or structuring.
Dr. Horowitz wonders: (1) what methods and materials were used in Dr. Rein’s pilot study; and (2) was this a ‘double blind’ study free from any influence of examiner bias.”
Previously, Dr. Rein’s research found human “intention” and “compassion” can substantially modify DNA conformation.
“That makes complete sense to me, and actually supports my position on 528Hz being capable of repairing damaged DNA,” Dr. Horowitz says.
Dr. Horowitz’s source of the claim that “528Hz is the ‘miraculous’ repair frequency for damaged DNA” is Dr. Lee Lorenzen–a world leading water science expert and nutritional biochemist. Dr. Lorenzen, who mentored Dr. Horowitz and Dr. Masaru Emoto on this aspect of 528Hz’s impact on DNA, advanced the field of ‘structured water’ science empowering DNA, and molding its structure (and restructure or ‘conformation’).
Dr. Rein reported that in certain instances, following heart-felt loving intention, a reduction in UV absorption at 260 nm, indicative of DNA winding, was observed.
Dr. Horowitz accepts this report, but rejects what Jonathan Goldman reported that Rein found regarding 528Hz–that this “LOVE frequency” had no impact on DNA when the tone was generated by a CD. Contrariwise, Dr. Rein and Goldman asserted that only Goldman’s Holy Harmony tuning fork set, struck in “ascending order,” significantly increased the energy output of DNA.
This does not make sense to Dr. Horowitz, who provides an extensive defense of 528Hz and its contested impact on DNA in this hour-and-forty-four (‘144’) minute video.
Goldman states that Dr. Rein’s research was done as aforementioned, but that it may take months or many years for the him to publish these results in a scientific paper. Dr. Horowitz agrees, laments the same, but continues to question Dr. Rein’s methods, materials, and possible bias.
In their satsang video, the Goldman’s are recorded heavily promoting their entire set of Solfeggio Tuning forks.
This is much like an ‘infomercial’, Dr. Horowitz notes. The pitch is that the complete set of forks must be used to induce healing, but most reliably when used only in an “ascending order.”
Goldman explains that the entire set of forks and Solfeggio tones impacts DNA like a “chemical formula.” Dr. Horowitz sees it differently.
Goldman’s metaphor relays his theory about hydrogen, oxygen and water, combining in a chemical formula that generates the positive end result of life. But he doesn’t go into the detail that Dr. Horowitz presents about water being a superconductive medium for energy transmission and memory imparting, not simply chemistry, but biophysics and epigenetics. Horowitz joined Dr. Lorenzen and Dr. Emoto in making this science more widely known.
Water powerfully conducts frequency resonances impacting DNA expression, conformation, and “cellular up-regulation” that describes the physical, physiological and metabolic changes that occur from DNA broadcasting resonance energy and memory from the structured water within DNA, Dr. Horowitz and his colleagues explain.
On a parallel note regarding water conducting the Solfeggio frequencies, the Goldman’s described a student, “Captain Vicki,” who used their Holy Harmony CD to attract dolphins to a tour boat. Dr. Horowitz reported the same outcome many years ago. Reports from an Israeli research group–Ahava 528 (“LOVE 528”)–filmed similar dolphin interest in the 528Hz tone when played by bowls.
The Goldmans also share about how difficult it was for Jonathan to produce recordings using all nine of the “Holy Harmony” tuning forks because of dissonance between some of the tones. Yet, despite this difficulty, the Goldmans’ claim several of their CDs help people sleep, reduce stress, and are good for hospice care patients.
Dr. Horowitz agrees to some extent, but cautions against Jonathan Goldman’s assertion that the Solfeggio frequencies do not afford their use all together in musical compositions. Many of the nine frequencies are harmonics of 528Hz, and afford their use by recording artists. Horowitz regularly transposes music into the 528Hz frequency in tracks playing on
Dr. Horowitz stipulates that the 741Hz frequency (Solfeggio “SO” note)–the “Devil’s tone” in musicology–is aversive in sound and dissonant when played with 528Hz especially. 741 may be best used for “destruction,” Dr. Horowitz theorizes in his video.
Dr. Horowitz’s video also makes clear that the Solfeggio scale plays “God’s music,” not man’s music necessarily soothing to human ears. Being “God’s language” and “God’s creative technology,” the Solfeggio tones seem to source “off planet,” Goldman says and Horowitz agrees.
Finally, Dr. Horowitz advises people not to fall prey to online Solfeggio critics, naysayers and trolls who diss the fact that these frequencies are ancient, primordial, creative resonances.
Goldman and Horowitz both state that they just want people to experience the love and joy in using these frequencies for better health and living.