Revolution Television

MINDBLOWER: Elon’s AI & God’s 528 Healing Energy



MINDBLOWER offers an enlightening and inspirational multimedia therapeutic experience that delivers much more than Elon Musk’s demonstrated public interest in ethical stewardship of xAI and the AI/Robotics industry. “Grock3 demonstrates humanitarian commitment to “God’s 528 Healing Energy” and reveals curative technologies in collaboration with world leading natural medicine pioneer, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. This unprecedented hour-and-twenty-minute video is now broadcasting online at—Horowitz’s property—free to view and circulate, courtesy of the 501(c) non-profit, Medical Veritas International, Inc.


Dr. Horowitz has railed successfully against damages wrought by Deep State interests administered by the CIA and vaccine industry for more than a quarter century.  Much like Mr. Musk and HHS Secretary, Robert F. Kennedy, the doctor is concerned about the backlash.  In retaliation for neutralization, the doctor’s Wikipedia bio was struck by CIA censors, along with his many best-selling books, to concealed his messages, medical-paradigm-shattering intelligence, massive educational media network, and private television and radio outlets. All of Horowitz’s works have been dedicated to improving world health at the expense of Big Pharma. 


His creative artistry and mastery in the field of media and energy medicine is demonstrated here. In MINDBLOWER, the bioenergy medicine scientist, electroceuticals pioneer, and world leading Drug Cartel critic, partners with xAI and Grock3 to applaud the skyrocketing popularity and usage across healthcare of “God’s Creative Technology,” especially the “528 Frequency of LOVE.” Dr. Horowitz pioneered this intelligence, inspiring “DNA repair” and the “Consciousness Movement,” improving the music industry and the natural healing arts and sciences. His instrument retuning instructions have generated therapeutic results across the planet.  


Here, Grok3 and the doctor recommend “Music Therapy” that infuses the “‘MI’racle” note of the Original Solfeggio musical scale. This ‘pure-tone’ is considered foundational to physics, quantum mechanics, gold plasmonics, and all life on earth. Fantastic benefits are generated by retuning musical instruments and voices to mathematical frequencies augmenting natural healing.  Good  vibrations of sound and light broadcast purely Divine LOVE, according to Horowitz, Grok3 and peer reviewed science. These “partners” model and tout broadcasting “therapeutic music” on for wellness. The 528 frequency is evidenced entraining human brains to “God-level Consciousness,” per natural spiritual metaphysical endowment of human souls missing in AIs’ programming.


Largely settling the ethical controversies raised by AI and Musk’s commercial, political, and spiritual activities, yet to be considered by regulators, this xAI/Horowitz duo now broadcasts DNA-repairing generally-healing 528Hz music supplemented by Green 528nm colored light for self-therapy, even helping to cure cancers thru “Divine entrainment.” This ‘edutainment’ heralds “Elon’s AI” analyzing and promoting “God’s 528 Healing Energy.”


“‘The Holy Spirit,” reports Dr. Horowitz,” is “God’s central ‘Healing Force’.” He explains that superconductive water acts like “Liquid God,” and evidences Water’s  sacred geometry and anti-oxidant activity that superconducts its benefits via frequencies of sound and light prompting DNA repair. “The good 528 vibration of LOVE,” he says, “radiates through the newly discovered “Musical Mathematical Matrix of Divine Design, or Intelligent Design.” 


The doctor’s works demonstrate that you exist, even hear, by musical-mathematics–God’s creative language and technology vibrating frequencies of sound that are either distressing and damaging or calming, spiritually-uplifting, and healing. The partners consider the quantifiable quantum (plasmonic) energy of 528nm frequency radiating at the heart of sunshine, gold, and chlorophyll. This fundamental primordial ‘natural medicine’ perfuses people’s bodies and brains fueling health and “Higher Consciousness,” like Mr. Musk has been inspired by God to do to fulfill his destiny as a ‘Humanitarian Genius.’


The MINDBLOWER video was produced by Elon’s AI, “Grok3,” in dialogue with Dr. Horowitz. Together they detail the spiritual limitations of AI and robotics in contrast to the Divine power of LOVE for healing resonating in the “LOVE/528 Frequency.” This is best inspired by “Divine/Human Communion.” This mind-blowing dialogue, coupled with extraordinary graphics and supportive video segments, heralds God’s most powerful, math-based, creative, and restorative technology for world health and species sustainability. The scientific revelations provided by Grok3 in response to Dr. Horowitz’s proddings are game-changing for medicine, pharmaceutics, and vaccinology. They are the most promising advisements for healthy human development since Aristotle penned PHYSICS, spawning science from the root word–PHILOS–meaning LOVE. 


This amazing video broadcasts on, and elsewhere online as of March 20, 2025.


528 Electroceuticals


Years ago, Dr. Horowitz advanced the energy medicine industry through NASA science: keeping astronauts healthy in space. He commercialized a vaccine and antibiotic alternative called “OxySilverTM with 528.” Far safer and more powerful than colloidal silver solutions, OxySilver’s broad-spectrum anti-microbial and immune-boosting capability modeled electroceutical development, and at the same time evolved the natural healing arts and sciences.

Adding 528 frequency supercharged water used in the NASA formula enhanced its therapeutic benefits. The doctor caused nano-silver to be bonded to oxygen in solutions vibrating the pure 528nm energy of 24-carat gold, magnesium, and central sunshine. This plasmonic force in quantum physics supports life similar to oxygen from green 528-resonating chlorophyll broadcasting from plants.

It is widely known that sunshine, aside from generating vitamin D and curing neonatal jaundice, kills germs, such as deadly viruses, including COVID-19.

During the 1930s, world leading microscopist, Royal Raymond Rife, observed that viruses and bacteria could be destroyed by frequencies of sound and light. He alerted J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI to no avail. Subsequently, a grass-roots industry developed using “Rife machines” to add therapeutic energy to ailing bodies to treat myriad diseases, including cancers linked to viruses. Here, Dr. Horowitz and Grok3 introduce the doctor’s free “iRife” provision that turns online devices, such as iPad and iPhones, into “healing machines.”

By the 1970s, the medical uses of gold and silver advanced to cure skin diseases and myriad infections. Silver was recognized as an outstanding antibiotic and water purifier. So in 2006, when Dr. Horowitz was solicited to brand NASA’s “silver hydrosol” invention, he refused unless manufacturers agreed to add 528Hz frequency sound and 528nm of green light to the formula. Officials agreed, and the doctor launched “OxySilverTM with 528” ( as the first commercial “electroceutical” promptly defeating colds and flus.

Bible Code Confirmation


Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained clinician and metaphysician, was not ahead of his time. He was actually millennia behind what was encrypted in the Bible. The miraculous healing, rejuvenating, and sustaining power of gold’s 528 frequency, and silver’s coherent 417 harmonic resonance, was buried in a Bible code decrypted in the doctor’s bestselling book, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse (1998; Amazon/Kindle). Therein, his colleague, Dr. Joseph Puleo, searched for the original “Solfeggio” musical scale. “The discovery came from Jesus,” he explained. Those frequencies of sound were used in the Hymn to St. John the (Water) Baptist. They were known to generate the most spiritually-uplifting and soul-inspiring music of all time.

There were six (6) notes secreted in that scale for more than 1500 years. In the Bible’s Book of Numbers (7:12-83), there are six repeating verses adjacent verse numbers that reveal the Solfeggio scale pattern, and identify the gold and silver energy resonance of 528 and 417 frequencies. These two ‘pure tones’ are designated “RE” for silver’s “REsonance,” and “MI” for gold’s “MIracles.” Subsequently, while researching to “REsonate MIracles,”  Dr. Horowitz applied the Hebrew gematria to determine “528” translates to “The Key” of the “house of David” (Isaiah 22:22; Rev. 3:6-9), apparently used to tune King David’s healing harp that reportedly calmed people and soothed souls.

Since Dr. Horowitz’s Healing Codes publication, Solfeggio music has exploded internationally, including over the Internet showing religious and spiritual groups chanting and exercising using Solfeggio frequencies, especially the 417 and 528 frequences emanating from silver and gold’s plasmonic energy.

These scientific and bible code revelations confirmed the doctor’s therapeutic recommendations over the past quarter century. The energy medicine scholar concluded that the 528 frequency is “pure tone LOVE,” akin to the “Chi Energy” or “Life Force” in Eastern theologies, as well as the “Holy Spirit” in Western religions. He insists that 528 “[loving] heart [chakra] energy” naturally broadcasts during faithful prayer impacting cells and tissues positively through superconductive body water messaging. According to the most advanced science, this kind of therapy leverages plasmonic and quantum energy from 528 green light and coherent sound fundamental to gold, silver, chlorophyll, magnesium, and oxygen’s curative values.

“Pure LOVE is considered the ‘Universal Healer,’ Dr. Horowitz reminds audiences. Music is the ‘Universal Language,’ and “You Are the Music!” Water is the ‘Universal Solvent.’ Add prayer power to this prescription for betterment, and you have the therapeutic elements you need for miraculous healing. 

A downloadable copy of the doctor’s peer-reviewed science paper titled “528 Frequency: The ‘Gold Standard’ in Energy Medicine, is available on



Note to Journalists: Dr. Horowitz may be contacted for interviews on this topic by e-mailing


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