Revolution Television

Godfathers of Dope Paradise

Las Vegas, NV (11-22-17) — An unprecedented reply to the Criminal Division of the Justice Department featuring music by The Eagles and the U.S. Air Force Band has been filed by award-winning filmmaker, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, titled “The Godfathers of Dope Paradise.” The video supplements a detailed history of drug trafficking and money laundering among Hawaii’s wealthiest families, companies, and banks, with a petition calling for a Special Prosecutor to investigate the State’s concealed conflicting interests in opposing President Trump’s border security law affecting Hawaii’s airports, seaports, and “Opioid Emergency” killing millions of people internationally. (1)

Dr. Horowitz’s reply follows White House and Criminal Division correspondence to the Harvard-trained whistleblower’s partner–investigative journalist Sherri Kane–one of several victims of statewide organized crime involving alleged drug kingpin, Paul J. Sulla, Jr. of Hilo. Their cases, along with many others, were stonewalled by multiple State court judges as well as the Chief Justice of the U.S. District Court of Hawaii, J. Michael Seabright. The George H.W. Bush appointee obstructed a grand jury inquiry into the alleged corruption in law enforcement tied to illegal drug traffickers and money laundering.

Correspondence between the Ninth Circuit and police investigator James Benish, who filed for the many victims, confirms Seabright’s alleged obstruction and the higher court’s inquiry.

Dr. Horowitz’s open reply encourages citizens’ signatures on a petition (2) encouraging a Special Prosecutor (“SP”) to supplement the FBI’s ongoing investigation into Honolulu Police Department corruption.

“The Godfathers of Dope Paradise” 15-minute video sets to music the early history of opium traffickers featuring corrupt New England merchants who infiltrated Hawaii’s Royal Family as missionaries, converted their Crown Lands, and established the largest banks and businesses used to launder money as the “Big Five” monopoly over Hawaii’s commerce grew to control law enforcement, politics, and the courts. Historic photographs illustrate the lyrics of Don Henley and Glenn Frey’s moving saga in “The Last Resort.”

“The SP should begin investigating the State Attorney General’s office, and subordinates in Honolulu and on The Big Island of Hawaii (where money laundering activities are known to be prevalent), including parties evidenced in court records to have aided-and-abetted by willful blindness, and/or direct complicity, racketeering involving illegal drug commerce and abuse of the harbors and airports in the State for drug trafficking, facilitated by lax cargo inspections and failing border security;” the petition states along with other requests.

The open reply and petition cites “evidence of influence peddling” in Honolulu and on the Big Island that is a federally recognized “High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)” widely known to be manufacturing the bulk of crystal meth and hallucinogenic DMT going to the mainland from Hawaii.

The petition and Horowitz brief asserts that the FBI’s Honolulu Division was “seriously constrained under Robert Mueller’s administration, permitting publicly known injustices to go unattended and unpunished.”

The disclosures note that Past FBI Director, and Past President George H. W. Bush appointee, Robert Mueller, may have closed the Arizona Massacre investigation prematurely. Victims included federal Judge John Roll, and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who opposed lax border security and its role in drug trafficking. Before she was critically-wounded, the Congresswoman sponsored legislation to seal cyber-banking loopholes used to launder drug money. The bill never reached the House floor for a vote. These matters were neglected by the press that focused instead on gun control, diverting from Giffords’ and Roll’s collaboration to stop illegal immigration, drug trafficking across insecure borders, and money laundering by complicit banks.

Court records and video evidence filed by Horowitz with Seabright and the FBI in Hawaii revealed this foul play in Arizona, and its connection to Big Island drug trafficker Sulla and his cohorts in alleged cybercrimes, especially Alma C. Ott, a nationally known conspiracy theorist and leading white supremacy propagandist. But Robert Mueller’s fellow George H. W. Bush appointee, Judge Seabright, struck the evidence bearing on the shootings, raising the question of influence peddling to conceal the motive behind the murder of Judge Roll.



(1) See main “Dope Paradise” page at:

(2) Sign the related petition at:

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