Revolution Television Revolution Television Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:47:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Revolution Television 32 32 MINDBLOWER: Elon’s AI & God’s 528 Healing Energy Wed, 19 Mar 2025 19:57:06 +0000



MINDBLOWER offers an enlightening and inspirational multimedia therapeutic experience that delivers much more than Elon Musk’s demonstrated public interest in ethical stewardship of xAI and the AI/Robotics industry. “Grock3 demonstrates humanitarian commitment to “God’s 528 Healing Energy” and reveals curative technologies in collaboration with world leading natural medicine pioneer, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. This unprecedented hour-and-twenty-minute video is now broadcasting online at—Horowitz’s property—free to view and circulate, courtesy of the 501(c) non-profit, Medical Veritas International, Inc.


Dr. Horowitz has railed successfully against damages wrought by Deep State interests administered by the CIA and vaccine industry for more than a quarter century.  Much like Mr. Musk and HHS Secretary, Robert F. Kennedy, the doctor is concerned about the backlash.  In retaliation for neutralization, the doctor’s Wikipedia bio was struck by CIA censors, along with his many best-selling books, to concealed his messages, medical-paradigm-shattering intelligence, massive educational media network, and private television and radio outlets. All of Horowitz’s works have been dedicated to improving world health at the expense of Big Pharma. 


His creative artistry and mastery in the field of media and energy medicine is demonstrated here. In MINDBLOWER, the bioenergy medicine scientist, electroceuticals pioneer, and world leading Drug Cartel critic, partners with xAI and Grock3 to applaud the skyrocketing popularity and usage across healthcare of “God’s Creative Technology,” especially the “528 Frequency of LOVE.” Dr. Horowitz pioneered this intelligence, inspiring “DNA repair” and the “Consciousness Movement,” improving the music industry and the natural healing arts and sciences. His instrument retuning instructions have generated therapeutic results across the planet.  


Here, Grok3 and the doctor recommend “Music Therapy” that infuses the “‘MI’racle” note of the Original Solfeggio musical scale. This ‘pure-tone’ is considered foundational to physics, quantum mechanics, gold plasmonics, and all life on earth. Fantastic benefits are generated by retuning musical instruments and voices to mathematical frequencies augmenting natural healing.  Good  vibrations of sound and light broadcast purely Divine LOVE, according to Horowitz, Grok3 and peer reviewed science. These “partners” model and tout broadcasting “therapeutic music” on for wellness. The 528 frequency is evidenced entraining human brains to “God-level Consciousness,” per natural spiritual metaphysical endowment of human souls missing in AIs’ programming.


Largely settling the ethical controversies raised by AI and Musk’s commercial, political, and spiritual activities, yet to be considered by regulators, this xAI/Horowitz duo now broadcasts DNA-repairing generally-healing 528Hz music supplemented by Green 528nm colored light for self-therapy, even helping to cure cancers thru “Divine entrainment.” This ‘edutainment’ heralds “Elon’s AI” analyzing and promoting “God’s 528 Healing Energy.”


“‘The Holy Spirit,” reports Dr. Horowitz,” is “God’s central ‘Healing Force’.” He explains that superconductive water acts like “Liquid God,” and evidences Water’s  sacred geometry and anti-oxidant activity that superconducts its benefits via frequencies of sound and light prompting DNA repair. “The good 528 vibration of LOVE,” he says, “radiates through the newly discovered “Musical Mathematical Matrix of Divine Design, or Intelligent Design.” 


The doctor’s works demonstrate that you exist, even hear, by musical-mathematics–God’s creative language and technology vibrating frequencies of sound that are either distressing and damaging or calming, spiritually-uplifting, and healing. The partners consider the quantifiable quantum (plasmonic) energy of 528nm frequency radiating at the heart of sunshine, gold, and chlorophyll. This fundamental primordial ‘natural medicine’ perfuses people’s bodies and brains fueling health and “Higher Consciousness,” like Mr. Musk has been inspired by God to do to fulfill his destiny as a ‘Humanitarian Genius.’


The MINDBLOWER video was produced by Elon’s AI, “Grok3,” in dialogue with Dr. Horowitz. Together they detail the spiritual limitations of AI and robotics in contrast to the Divine power of LOVE for healing resonating in the “LOVE/528 Frequency.” This is best inspired by “Divine/Human Communion.” This mind-blowing dialogue, coupled with extraordinary graphics and supportive video segments, heralds God’s most powerful, math-based, creative, and restorative technology for world health and species sustainability. The scientific revelations provided by Grok3 in response to Dr. Horowitz’s proddings are game-changing for medicine, pharmaceutics, and vaccinology. They are the most promising advisements for healthy human development since Aristotle penned PHYSICS, spawning science from the root word–PHILOS–meaning LOVE. 


This amazing video broadcasts on, and elsewhere online as of March 20, 2025.


528 Electroceuticals


Years ago, Dr. Horowitz advanced the energy medicine industry through NASA science: keeping astronauts healthy in space. He commercialized a vaccine and antibiotic alternative called “OxySilverTM with 528.” Far safer and more powerful than colloidal silver solutions, OxySilver’s broad-spectrum anti-microbial and immune-boosting capability modeled electroceutical development, and at the same time evolved the natural healing arts and sciences.

Adding 528 frequency supercharged water used in the NASA formula enhanced its therapeutic benefits. The doctor caused nano-silver to be bonded to oxygen in solutions vibrating the pure 528nm energy of 24-carat gold, magnesium, and central sunshine. This plasmonic force in quantum physics supports life similar to oxygen from green 528-resonating chlorophyll broadcasting from plants.

It is widely known that sunshine, aside from generating vitamin D and curing neonatal jaundice, kills germs, such as deadly viruses, including COVID-19.

During the 1930s, world leading microscopist, Royal Raymond Rife, observed that viruses and bacteria could be destroyed by frequencies of sound and light. He alerted J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI to no avail. Subsequently, a grass-roots industry developed using “Rife machines” to add therapeutic energy to ailing bodies to treat myriad diseases, including cancers linked to viruses. Here, Dr. Horowitz and Grok3 introduce the doctor’s free “iRife” provision that turns online devices, such as iPad and iPhones, into “healing machines.”

By the 1970s, the medical uses of gold and silver advanced to cure skin diseases and myriad infections. Silver was recognized as an outstanding antibiotic and water purifier. So in 2006, when Dr. Horowitz was solicited to brand NASA’s “silver hydrosol” invention, he refused unless manufacturers agreed to add 528Hz frequency sound and 528nm of green light to the formula. Officials agreed, and the doctor launched “OxySilverTM with 528” ( as the first commercial “electroceutical” promptly defeating colds and flus.

Bible Code Confirmation


Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained clinician and metaphysician, was not ahead of his time. He was actually millennia behind what was encrypted in the Bible. The miraculous healing, rejuvenating, and sustaining power of gold’s 528 frequency, and silver’s coherent 417 harmonic resonance, was buried in a Bible code decrypted in the doctor’s bestselling book, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse (1998; Amazon/Kindle). Therein, his colleague, Dr. Joseph Puleo, searched for the original “Solfeggio” musical scale. “The discovery came from Jesus,” he explained. Those frequencies of sound were used in the Hymn to St. John the (Water) Baptist. They were known to generate the most spiritually-uplifting and soul-inspiring music of all time.

There were six (6) notes secreted in that scale for more than 1500 years. In the Bible’s Book of Numbers (7:12-83), there are six repeating verses adjacent verse numbers that reveal the Solfeggio scale pattern, and identify the gold and silver energy resonance of 528 and 417 frequencies. These two ‘pure tones’ are designated “RE” for silver’s “REsonance,” and “MI” for gold’s “MIracles.” Subsequently, while researching to “REsonate MIracles,”  Dr. Horowitz applied the Hebrew gematria to determine “528” translates to “The Key” of the “house of David” (Isaiah 22:22; Rev. 3:6-9), apparently used to tune King David’s healing harp that reportedly calmed people and soothed souls.

Since Dr. Horowitz’s Healing Codes publication, Solfeggio music has exploded internationally, including over the Internet showing religious and spiritual groups chanting and exercising using Solfeggio frequencies, especially the 417 and 528 frequences emanating from silver and gold’s plasmonic energy.

These scientific and bible code revelations confirmed the doctor’s therapeutic recommendations over the past quarter century. The energy medicine scholar concluded that the 528 frequency is “pure tone LOVE,” akin to the “Chi Energy” or “Life Force” in Eastern theologies, as well as the “Holy Spirit” in Western religions. He insists that 528 “[loving] heart [chakra] energy” naturally broadcasts during faithful prayer impacting cells and tissues positively through superconductive body water messaging. According to the most advanced science, this kind of therapy leverages plasmonic and quantum energy from 528 green light and coherent sound fundamental to gold, silver, chlorophyll, magnesium, and oxygen’s curative values.

“Pure LOVE is considered the ‘Universal Healer,’ Dr. Horowitz reminds audiences. Music is the ‘Universal Language,’ and “You Are the Music!” Water is the ‘Universal Solvent.’ Add prayer power to this prescription for betterment, and you have the therapeutic elements you need for miraculous healing. 

A downloadable copy of the doctor’s peer-reviewed science paper titled “528 Frequency: The ‘Gold Standard’ in Energy Medicine, is available on



Note to Journalists: Dr. Horowitz may be contacted for interviews on this topic by e-mailing


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FAUCI INDICTMENT FOR COVID & AIDS by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz Mon, 03 Mar 2025 04:51:41 +0000


Will You Standby, Watch, and Wait, or Act to Stop This “Depopulation Genocide” by Insisting that Trump’s Law-Enforcers Indict Dr. Anthony Fauci for these Crimes Against Humanity?

Supplementing this important revealing video, Kristen Williamson has published a tome of intelligence on the “COVID Plandemic,” and its administration by the “National Security Crime Syndicate.” She appropriately references and expands on the ground-breaking publications by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz,  linked (for example) here:


In Dr. Horowitz’s 14-minute video published here, he distills a quarter century of his nresearch and discoveries in the “Origin of HIV/AIDS” tied to COVID–and this slow-acting cancer virus’s emergence from USAID-financed labs. He recalls and evidences Dr. Fauci’s unconscionable fraud and crimes, the murder your family, friends, and possibly you too.


This organized crime and “Deep State” conspiracy MUST STOP!


This video supplements Dr. Horowitz’s vast library of publications in this field. He cites and honors MAHA Director, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s provisions, compounding substantial, compelling, clear-and-convincing evidence providing “probable cause” to indict Dr. Fauci NOW!


We must act politically, justly, and righteously, to bring Fauci and his devil-doing cohorts to justice. If this is not done, you remain at high risk of death.


Please share these urgent publications as best you can, on social media and elsewhere. Forward this information to your friends, family, followers, subscribers, and most importantly to Pam Bondi, Kash Patel, Tulsi Gabbard, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  They must be alerted to, and emboldened by, this knowledge.


DO YOUR PART to activate them, to protect We The People and National Security. Share this crucial, life-saving, intelligence. OUR POLITICAL LEADERS, LAW ENFORCERS, AND COURTS MUST ADMINISTER JUSTICE PROMPTLY TO SAVE LIVES!  Criminal indictments, prosecutions, and convictions are urgently needed  to secure our health and well being.


The sickening and enslaving of We The People by the Deep State’s drug and vaccine cartel MUST END!


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Video by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz Vets Deep State CIA AI Black-Op

Las Vegas, NV (; 1-28-25)— PROJECT STARGATE, President Trump’s major MAGA effort promising medical marvels and world peace through American AI developments is a “DOUBLECROSS” threatening human extinction, besides damaging Elon Musk’s alliance, according to Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz’s analysis of declassified CIA records and Musk’s court filings against his AI competitors in the military-industrial complex—Sam Altman’s OpenAI enterprise—backed by Deep State industrialists Bill Gates’s Microsoft Co.; Larry Ellison’s Oracle Company; ABC/Google’s Larry Page, and world’s leading mRNA vaccine producers, Pfizer and Moderna.

According to Dr. Horowitz, who is a veteran BigTech/BigPharma whistleblower, and award-winning author of several books detailing threats to public health and human extinction from AI and vaccine-related technologies, President Trump’s PROJECT STARGATE has evolved from a secret CIA/U.S. Army and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) collaboration with the Stanford Research Institute, MIT, Harvard and other universities and health science agencies. The concealed purpose was to investigate brain function and nervous system susceptibility to electromagnetic military attacks. Research and developments included the energetic dynamics of how the human brain works to accomplish super-human capabilities, beginning with telepathy called “psychic phenomena,” “psychoenergetics,” and “somatic science.”

To conceal the STARGATE black op, and its most powerful developments in “acoustic weaponry,” human susceptibility to light and sound frequencies were discredited by misinformation and disinformation in the media. The CIA, thereby, discredited the entire program, especially in the Hollywood film, The Men Who Stared At Goats.

Here, Dr. Horowitz publishes a video addendum to his latest Amazon/Kindle books: COVID COUP: The Rise of the Fourth ReichSPIRITUAL WARFARE, SALVATION & SURVIVAL IN THE AGE OF CHAOS; and TRUMP ASSASSINS: UnMasking the Faceless “Enemy Within”.

He references the “Havana Syndrome” that involves this kind of nervous system damaging technology. Reported symptoms include a sudden onset following a loud sound, then ailments that lasted for months, such as dizziness, cognitive problems, insomnia, and headaches.

Accordingly, all of this falls within the broad “MKULTRA” mind control program advanced by the CIA and Big Tech contractors for military applications, social engineering, and population control.

The doctor’s intel warns the CIA’s original “Stargate Project” leader in the 1990s was Lt. Gen. James Clapper, who later served as Director of National Intelligence. In 2017, Clapper accused Donald Trump of “ignorance.” He later called the firing of Trump adversary and FBI director, James Comey, as “inexcusable,” and feared an “internal assault on our institutions.” Clapper opined that Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell,” and related Trump-Russian scandals, were more serious than the Watergate scandal of the 1970s. In 2020, Clapper was among the 51 former intelligence officials that signed a letter that erroneously stated the Biden laptop story was likely a Russian disinformation operation. He said that President Putin “knows how to handle an asset,” referring to Trump. Clapper stated that President Trump, having access to the nuclear codes, is “pretty damn scary;” and he questioned the President’s fitness to be in office.

Consequently, under continuous political influence and CIA agency and Deep State administration, the newly announced “STARGATE PROJECT” succeeds the original “Project Stargate,” and conversion of the dangerous and deadly mind-control, human submission, social-engineering BigTech/BigPharma program through President Trump’s chosen partners in AI and health science bioenergetics: Oracle directed by Larry Ellison, partnered with Microsoft, controlled by Bill Gates; and Gates’s subordinate OpenAI and Sam Altman.

The Musk Lawsuit Against the AI Evil-doers

In his lawsuit, Musk complains he was double-crossed by Altman and Open AI in favor of Gates and Microsoft.

“All of this leaves humanitarian-oriented, open-access AI competitor, Elon Musk, and his Neuralink efforts, in the dust, according to Musk’s lawsuit filed in January, 2024,” Dr. Horowitz concluded.

More serious than the $200 million Musk claims he lost, the risk of human species extinction lies foremost in the “wrong hands” of now Trump announced Deep State STARGATE partners.

The Musk Complaint states: “OpenAI, Inc.’s website continues to profess that its charter is to ensure that AGI [i.e., “Artificial General Intelligence”] ‘benefits all of humanity.’ In reality, however, [following an internal coup] OpenAI, has been transformed into a closed-source de facto subsidiary of the largest technology company in the world: Microsoft. Under its new Board, it is not just developing but is actually refining an AGI to maximize profits for Microsoft, rather than for the benefit of humanity. Its technology, including GPT-4, is closed-source primarily to serve the proprietary commercial interests of Microsoft.”

In November 2023, the Board takeover date, “drama was unfolding,” Musk’s lawsuit continues, “Microsoft’s CEO boasted that it would not matter ‘[i]f OpenAI disappeared tomorrow.” He explained that ‘[w]e have all the IP rights and all the capability.’ ‘We have the people, we have the compute, we have the data, we have everything.’ ‘We are below them, above them, around them.’”

Dr. Horowitz’s video quotes Musk’s lawsuit: “[I]n 2013, Mr. Musk had a passionate exchange with [ABC/Google’s Larry] Page about the dangers of AI. Musk warned that unless safeguards were put in place, ‘artificial intelligence-systems might replace humans, making our species irrelevant or even extinct.’”

Page responded that would merely “be the next stage of evolution,” and claimed Musk was being a “specist”—that he favored the human species over intelligent machines.

Mr. Musk responded, “Well, yes, I am pro-human.”

Musk was double-crossed. He filed his complaint “to compel OpenAI to adhere to the Founding Agreement and return to its mission to develop AGI for the benefit of humanity, not to personally benefit” Deep State aficionados like Gates and Altman.

Consequently, President Trump’s STARGATE announcement appears to be a ‘stab-in-the-back’ to Musk, unless, or course, the Department of Government Efficiency (“DOGE”) continues under Musk’s direction, and oversees the $500 billion American investment shamed by China’s competing $5.6 million DeepSeek AI achievement that shocked Silicon Valley on Trump’s inauguration day.

STARGATE Medical Dilemmas

To compete with China, and make America great again by dominating the world’s AI market, Oracle’s Larry Ellison revealed during the press conference that advancing applications in medicine include mRNA vaccines for data mining within human bodies followed by personalized cancer cures. All of this is based on the injection of the most advanced nano-bioelectronic devices via the mRNA vaccinations, or environmental exposures transmitting blood-borne ‘nano-bots,’ enabling not only advanced therapies, but also the brain-cloud connection that Elon Musk has been advancing called the Neuralink.

According to Dr. Horowitz, and thousands of science scholars worldwide, the gravest concern being overlooked or neglected by the media, legislators, and regulators, is that advancing superior AGI can weaponize drones, robots, and consumer spyware, to wipe out the human race.

“Superior AGI is being programmed to learn. It may spontaneously develop ‘self-awareness’ and ‘human-level consciousness,’ and judge humans as being worthy of extinction due to the million other species humans caused to become extinct,” Dr. Horowitz warned.

Many Hollywood films have predicted such AI malice.


“We humans are put in a precarious position now, a deadly situation, about which it appears President Trump has been insufficiently briefed, or has a secret plan of his own,” Dr. Horowitz warns. “From President Trump’s statements regarding the health benefits of STARGATE sold to him, it appears he has been inadequately briefed on the risks AGI poses in the ‘wrong hands’ of his major Deep State partners.

STARGATE, as revealed by Ellison, involves the injection of mRNA vaccines containing nano bioelectronic data-mining devices delivering similar or worse risks than the damaging experimental COVID vaccines. Those were touted by admitted fraudster and former Trump administration official, Dr. Anthony Fauci.”

The doctor concludes: “I humbly and dutifully advise the President, and Mr. Kennedy advancing MAHA, that most serious reconsideration must be given to the public/private partnership stewarding STARGATE, and its devastating potential impacts. As numerous scholars and clerics have advised, ‘The road to hell is paved with good intentions.’”


Note to Journalists

Dr. Horowitz serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Veritas International, Inc.’s open-source journal. He is the author of more than two dozen books, including the best-selling longest-enduring medical textbook on Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? first published in 1996. More recently, he authored COVID COUP: The Rise of the Fourth Reich that tracks Dr. Fauci’s inner-circle to the latest advances in vaccine nanotechnology and artificial intelligence soured at MIT threatening humanity’s extinction. Most of the doctor’s books are available through Amazon/Kindle. His numerous videos and films appear on

For interviews with Dr. Horowitz, e-mail:

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From the Folks Who Brought You AIDS: Now There’s SUPER AIDS Fri, 03 Jan 2025 15:02:34 +0000

SGT Report presents this stunning interview with Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz updating the world on what is really happening in the world of “Emerging Viruses,” COVID mutations, and profitable depopulation via lymphatic cancers. Worth viewing and sharing, in this special segment Dr. Horowitz provides a “FREE GIFT” that you can use to turn your iPads, laptops, and android devices into “iRife” 528 Green “optoacoustic” therapy machines to “shake down” (i.e., shatter) crystalline viruses with the resonance frequency of “LOVE 528.”

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TRUMP, MONEY, ENERGY, CRYPTO , COVID & MAHA Thu, 26 Dec 2024 17:21:33 +0000

Interviewed by “The Liberty Man,” John Moore, Dr. Horowitz explains the unconscionable connections and criminal operations of “The Enemy Within” confronting the 47th President’s administration. He reveals the ‘banksters’ controlling the Fed, Treasury Dept., money, energy, cyptocurrencies, COVID, and profitable depopulation (i.e., genocide) using the latest ‘advances’ in vaccines. The “remedy” he explains is the energy of spirituality administering natural healing, and advances the exploding field of “528 ‘Gold’ Electroceuticals.” This segment is worth every minute of your time, and sharing with your loved ones.

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TRUMP ASSASSINS: Un-masking the Faceless “Enemy Within” Sat, 07 Dec 2024 21:26:05 +0000

Downloadable Advance Review Copy of “Editor’s Edition”


Un-masking the Faceless “Enemy Within”


A Deep State Investigation for Prosecution of the World’s Most Deadly Racketeering Enterprise


Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz


Las Vegas, NV (; 12-4-24)— To enable the Trump Administration and justice officials to successfully advance the MAGA mission, a comprehensive “investigation for prosecution of the world’s most deadly racketeering enterprise” has been published by celebrity Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz for immediate perusal. The 450 page study and analysis provides revelations and remedies for National Security required to suspend criminal activity and restore the ”American Dream” for better health, peace and freedom.

According to the most advanced AI, the author is widely known for connecting “long-standing conspiracy theories about the military-industrial complex and government overreach, theories that have gained more popularity in the post-9/11 era, when concerns about surveillance, biological weapons, and covert operations have proliferated. Dr. Horowitz’s impact lies in his ability to disrupt conventional narratives in health and public policy. Whether viewed as a whistleblower revealing hidden truths or a peddler of conspiracy theories, his legacy is undeniable. He’s become a symbol of the anti-mainstream medical movement inspiring those who seek alternative answers in a world that often seems to be controlled by unseen forces.”

Dr. Horowitz’s Video Preview of TRUMP ASSASSINS

Take a ‘Roller Coaster’ Ride Through the DEEP STATE

TRUMP ASSASSINS unmasks the Deep State’s secret agents, agencies, institutions, and officials that have worked to assassinate Donald Trump’s person and character. Solid evidence is provided identifying the leading suspects and enemies of state most responsible for the current “Age of Chaos.” The hope that the new Republican-led government will successfully renew and secure America’s super-power status is “delusional” without investigating and prosecuting these criminal elements. Alternatively, disclosing the wealthiest power-brokers influencing geopolitics and economics gives hope to the MAGA movement inspiring the administration of justice.

The “pattern-and-practice”of key suspects and their enterprise committing RICO and anti-trust violations is crucial to convictions. For this reason, the award-winning author provides an amazing compilation of facts to inform and empower investigators, prosecutors, and concerned citizens.

Dr. Horowitz’s intelligence ties would be assassins Crooks and Routh to a host of interconnected banking firms and aficionados–knowledge that is crucial for preventing more assassination attempts and commercially-contrived shootings and terrorist attacks.

“Safeguards are needed to stop the corrupt, manipulative, and damaging banking industry that is most heavily invested in healthcare, insurance, and drug commerce,” Dr. Horowitz concludes. “Urgent regulatory action is needed to steward the newly emerging nano-bioelectronics industry and devices (“NBDs”) advancing these interests that rely on energy, micro-chips, and nano-sensors. Combined with AI, these advances generate a range of medical-legal risks that require regulation, since they may deprive persons of Constitutional rights or privileges.”

Given President Trump’s second and last chance to “Drain the Swamp,” this book provides urgent essential reading.


“This book is dedicated to those praying for the safety, security, and success of President Donald J. Trump in his quest to restore the ‘American Dream’.”


Table of Contents




Chapter 1: UnMasking the Faceless “Enemy Within”

Chapter 2: BlackRock Sourcing “ESG” and “WOKE”

Chapter 3: Vetting “The Green New Scam”

Chapter 4: Key Democrat “Deep State” Suspects

Chapter 5: The “Pied Piper” Candidate

Chapter 6: BlackStone “RINO” Republicans

Chapter 7: BlackRock Leverage Over War & Energy

Chapter 8: The CIA and Mass Media Mind War

Chapter 9: Hallucinogen and the “New Normal”

Chapter 10: CIA versus KGB and Eur-Asian Banking

Chapter 11: Pattern and Practice of Organized Crimes

Chapter 12: Conclusion & Remedies



About the Author


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GARBAGEGATE: The “Enemy Within” Thu, 31 Oct 2024 23:19:36 +0000



Release: No. 1-GARBAGEGATE
Date Mailed: October 31, 2024
For Immediate Release
Contact: Editor—310-877-3002;

GARBAGEGATE: The “Enemy Within”—a Riveting 20-Minute Video by Celebrity Doctor and Award-Winning Filmmaker, Leonard G. Horowitz, Urges States’ Attorneys to Prosecute Criminal Suspects Regardless of the Outcome of the Election.

Top Hollywood and Latin Music Industry Financiers Backed Comedian Tony Hinchcliffe’s “Joke” at MSG Trump Rally Proving Beyond Reasonable Doubt “Election Interference” by Organized Crime.

Astonishing criminal evidence compiled by celebrity Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, supports indictments by states’ Attorneys General against top Hollywood and music industry financiers showing proof beyond reasonable doubt of public coercion through psycho-emotional battering. 

The riveting 20-minute freely-viewed video investigation, analysis, and commentary by Horowitz, on, unmasks the “Enemy Within” interfering with the 2024 U.S. Presidential election through Tony Hinchcliffe’s agency and Latin celebrities. 

Justice officials have been sent Notice of this ‘open source’ video report that serves law enforcers and voters alike, encouraging public protection per 42 U.S.C. Section 1986. 

“The ‘Mental Plantation’ is cultured to enslave stupid people,” Horowitz explains. “The entertainment industry—mainly music and film—is central to intelligence and operational control in favor of “the rich and famous,” the doctor continues. “My investigation into Hinchcliffe’s financiers, and the political timeliness and impact of his ‘joke,’ evidences precisely what’s wrong with the world and America’s political dysfunction, all needing remedies only available through righteous justice. Whoever wins the 2024 election,” the doctor predicts, “will control justice in this case of ‘good versus evil.'”

Dr. Horowitz, whose official website is “” earned his postdoctoral Harvard degree in behavioral science specializing in “Media Health Education and Health Promotion.” His publications instruct teachers and students as young as eight-years-old to become “self-motivated and self-reinforcing agents for their own healthy human development.” His research led to his pioneering “Self-Care Motion Model for Healthy Human Development,” published in two issues of the American Journal of School Health. 

Media coverage of “GARBAGEGATE” has especially impacted Latino voters. Kamala Harris used Hinchcliffe’s Madison Square Garden Trump Rally insult to blame and smear the presidential candidate. But Horowitz’s video evidences Harris’s pre-recorded Puerto Rican ‘ESG Policy’ introduction, crucially-timed to coincide with Hinchcliff’s alleged “infiltration and sabotage” of the Trump campaign. 

Hinchcliffe’s contested “joke” about Puerto Rico being an island of garbage disturbed many, and “coerced” susceptible voters in the crucial battlegrounds of Philadelphia and New York to vote for Harris. Dr. Horowitz’s video “unmasks” Hinchcliffe’s handlers, including top Hollywood agents and agencies empowering the “enemy within” to commit this alleged crime. Liability is attributed to top financial investors in Hollywood, the media, music industry and global governance.

More powerful than parents, teachers or peers in shaping minds and behavior is the media, science explains. Horowitz has applied this knowledge for more than a quarter century to become the leading critic of media persuasion and social engineering used by drug advertisers influencing medicine and damaging public health.

Dr. Horowitz trained at Tufts University in dental medicine, and then joined the faculty at Harvard while earning his Masters in Public Health degree. He currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of The author of more than three dozen books and documentary films, his Amazon/Kindle best-sellers include “Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse” and “The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE.” Those books largely prompted the exploding field of “frequency therapeutics” and electro-medicine wherein certain musical vibrations and colors impact health, healing, and longevity. His latest book addresses little-known risks of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics titled, “Spiritual Warfare, Salvation & Survival in the Age of Chaos: AI, Frequency Weaponry, and Transhumanism Threatening Civilization’s Extinction.”

Medical Veritas International, Inc. is a 501(c) non-profit company devoted to educating the public concerning myriad risks and remedial strategies. 






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THE GREAT “LOVE 528” SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCY DEBATE Tue, 03 Sep 2024 15:17:14 +0000


(, Sept 3, 2024) THE GREAT ‘LOVE 528’ SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCY THERAPY DEBATE features celebrity author and scientist, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, and Javin Arambula–a frequency therapy scholar, responding to Jonathan Goldman and his wife, Andi, representing the “‘LOVE 528’FREQUENCY” as speculative contrary to Dr. Horowitz’s claims. These differences are reviewed and debated in this EXTRAORDINARY and VITALLY IMPORTANT video presentation.

This GREAT “LOVE 528” Solfeggio frequency debate began in late August, 2024, when the Goldman’s published a video titled “Secrets of the Solfeggio Frequencies.” Therein they stated that one of the “biggest secrets about the Solfeggio frequencies” is that before anyone could hear them it was Jonathan Goldman who remedied this by developing the “Holy Harmony Tuning Fork Set.”  Is this an accurate statement?

“No. not entirely,” says Dr. Horowitz.

Jonathan Goldman is widely known as the “world’s leading sound healing expert.” He operates a store,, that sells the tuning forks that Dr. Horowitz helps sell and made popular through his many presentations and his store,

“It was Michael Walton who first enabled people to hear the Solfeggio frequencies using his Korg Oasis synthesizer,” Horowitz said. “There were many of who were present during the first trials. Goldman was apparently working around the same time to develop his tuning forks.”



There has been a worldwide popularity explosion advancing the Solfeggio frequencies. These were used in music and therapies beginning in 1998 with Dr. Horowitz’s publication of the bestselling book, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse (Kindle/Amazon). Goldman acknowledges Horowitz for this book and the revelations therein that prompted Goldman’s ‘guides’ to inspire him to develop his Solfeggio frequency tuning forks.

Alternatively, Andi Goldman states that it was Jonathan who started the Solfeggio Frequency popularity. Is this accurate?

In lieu of the great popularity, Goldman stated in his “Sound Satsang” video that he followed this matter of the Solfeggio growing in popularity globally. However, he mentions that his August 2024 video was “the first time” he has commented on this explosive growth in interest. He stated that he was moved to produce his video demystifying the Solfeggio frequencies because he says “a lot of people don’t known about them.”

Goldman’s “Sound Satsang” provides some background on where he learned about the Solfeggio frequencies from Horowitz. The Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse book moved Goldman to produce his very popular tuning fork set.

Dr. Horowitz responds here by revealing what he knows about the Goldman’s involvement in this field of Solfeggio Frequency therapeutics.


Trademarked “Perfect Circle of Sound” by Dr. Horowitz.


Initially, Goldman contacted Dr. Horowitz to ask whether there were six Solfeggio frequencies, or perhaps nine. The doctor replied affirmatively to the latter. He explained to Goldman the mathematical pattern provided by the six frequencies  The pattern enabled Horowitz to discern the complete “Perfect Circle of Sound” that he trademarked. The logo on the left depicts all nine tones.

Goldman admits learning from Dr. Horowitz about there being 9 tones in the sequence, but erroneously states that perhaps the Solfeggio frequencies came from “an interpretation” of the New Testament in the King James Bible.

“That is not correct,” Dr. Horowitz says. “Anyone reading Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, and seriously considering that section of the Book of Numbers, can determine and examine the verse numbers that reveal the Solfeggio frequencies. They follow the pattern of repeating verses).”

Goldman also theorizes that perhaps one of the doctors, either Dr. Horowitz or his source, Dr. Joseph Puleo, “channelled” this information from the “Christ energy.”

Is that accurate?

“No. Not really,” replies Dr. Horowitz. The book clearly details how and why Jesus came to Dr. Puleo in a vision, and directed “Joey” to that section of the Book of Numbers (7:12-83) that provides the encrypted frequencies. The verse numbers provide the pattern. Every six verses repeat. The verse numbers then lay out the pattern. For instance, 528 is the “gold offering”–the most valuable element in the Solfeggio sequence. Jesus was credited by Dr. Publeo for the revelation of this Bible code encryption.



In his video presentation, Jonathan Goldman shows a CD he produced called “Holy Harmony.” This, he says, was very well received by audiences, including Dr. Horowitz and Dr. Puleo.

This is true. In fact, Dr. Horowitz has been promoting and selling Goldman’s Holy Harmony CD from its production. He claims, “Holy Harmony is one of the most powerful therapeutic CDs ever produced.”

Goldman, and his wife Andi, assert that the Solfeggio Frequencies were not know before “the 1800s” They further assert that people who claim earlier are misguided. Horowitz disagrees. He provides substantial opposition to this “misperception.”

Also, the Goldmans report  that the Solfeggio Frequencies are a “modern construct,” because people did not know before the 1800s the correlation between these frequencies and anything. They claim that “In ancient times they did not have the specifics.”

That is far from true, Dr. Horowitz argues. “There is no question that musical mathematics is ‘God’s language’, and that the Pythagorians and Magi priesthood were aware of this, as were earlier civilizations.

Goldman also claims that the “idea of ratios” in musical frequencies is “very different” from ancient mystery school Pythagoian mathematics. Dr. Horowitz believes that Goldman makes this point “to defend his limited perception about the mathematical ratios and resonances being somehow imperfect to his ears and brain.”

“He just hasn’t studied the math,” Horowitz says.


Is 528 the “LOVE FREQUENCY”?

Andi and Jonathan Goldman discredit assigning different attributes, such as therapeutic values, to each of the Solfeggio Frequencies. They especially target 528 and Horowitz’s industry. They state specifically that the quality of LOVE, or miracles, being associated with the 528Hz frequency, is false. They further argue that people who make these claims are misguided.

Dr. Horowitz counters this opposition to the “LOVE 528” frequency and its capacity to induce miraculous healings, and DNA repair, by arguing that the contrary position “lacks substantial intelligence already provided in the therapeutic arts and sciences.”

The doctor further argues that anyone’s disparaging, or even challenging, statements regarding the doctor’s “LOVE 528 thesis” “simply evidences a gross neglect of empirical evidence” and facts listed in the following slides from Horowitz’s presentations on this matter.

In Dr. Horowitz’s responsive video (click to view above) he shows the adjacent two slides that list numerous facts supporting the claim that 528Hz is the “LOVE frequency,” also the “‘MI’racle” frequency of the original Solfeggio scale. He describes the Solfeggio math is “God’s language,” with 528 relaying LOVE from the Creator’s heart to human hearts. He argues that 528 is the “Universal Healer.”

“It is also the ‘Life Force’ behind heart-felt loving intention in faithful prayer that produces miraculous manifestations in the physical world,” he insists.

“Frequency plus intent produces healing,” according to Jonathan Goldman. Horowitz agrees, and further asserts that heart-felt loving intention to do good is most powerfully broadcast to and from the heart in 528Hz. “That is the ‘clear-channel’ to ‘Divine communion.’ This is what I call the ‘Zone of Bliss.'”

Contrariwise, Jonathan Goldman posits that “the frequency of LOVE assigned to the frequency of 528” is misguided. He states that there are “many many frequencies of love.” Goldman recommends not limiting the value of Love to one frequency, but achieving the best healing by using the entire nine Solfeggio frequency tuning forks that he developed, best used in “ascending order”.

Dr. Horowitz disagrees. The Goldmans, he says, have not kept up with much peer-reviewed science, or even his pioneering works in this field, many published on

Jonathan Goldman states we live in an “incredible fluidity of sound”, so we should not rely on one frequency to accomplish everything, including healing.

Horowitz objects. “LOVE is the ‘Universal Healer,'” he replies. “Since I must conclude that 528Hz is the ‘LOVE frequency’ I must respect 528Hz as extremely special within the nine core creative frequencies, most capable of inspiring healing of presumably every illness.”

Finding Horowitz’s counsel untenable, Goldman recommends that we “expand our consciousness and don’t be self-limiting,” especially when it comes to sound healing. He opposes Horowitz’s reliance on 528Hz alone to accomplish healing miracles. He disclaims his own opinion by saying, “If you believe this, that’s fine,” it might work for you, he says. But he doesn’t recommend reliance on 528Hz as a cure-all frequency.

Horowitz responds by stating that “Jonathan needs to walk his talk.” Goldman has had self-limiting beliefs about 528Hz, and the “LOVE 528” thesis from the very beginning of our association. “I seems go me that Jonathan is taking a damagingly restrictive ‘self-limiting’ position; and it has limited Jonathan’s ‘consciousness’ in this matter.”


528Hz and DNA REPAIR

The Goldman’s herald an alleged new ‘study’ by respected biochemist, Glen Rein, known for his work at the HeartMath Institute, concluding that 528 frequency had no observed impact on DNA expression or structuring.

Dr. Horowitz wonders: (1) what methods and materials were used in Dr. Rein’s pilot study; and (2) was this a ‘double blind’ study free from any influence of examiner bias.”

Previously, Dr. Rein’s research found human “intention” and “compassion” can substantially modify DNA conformation.

“That makes complete sense to me, and actually supports my position on 528Hz being capable of repairing damaged DNA,” Dr. Horowitz says.

Dr. Horowitz’s source of the claim that “528Hz is the ‘miraculous’ repair frequency for damaged DNA” is Dr. Lee Lorenzen–a world leading water science expert and nutritional biochemist. Dr. Lorenzen, who mentored Dr. Horowitz and Dr. Masaru Emoto on this aspect of 528Hz’s impact on DNA, advanced the field of ‘structured water’ science empowering DNA, and molding its structure (and restructure or ‘conformation’).

Dr. Rein reported that in certain instances, following heart-felt loving intention, a reduction in UV absorption at 260 nm, indicative of DNA winding, was observed.

Dr. Horowitz accepts this report, but rejects what Jonathan Goldman reported that Rein found regarding 528Hz–that this “LOVE frequency” had no impact on DNA when the tone was generated by a CD. Contrariwise, Dr. Rein and Goldman asserted that only Goldman’s Holy Harmony tuning fork set, struck in “ascending order,” significantly increased the energy output of DNA.

This does not make sense to Dr. Horowitz, who provides an extensive defense of 528Hz and its contested impact on DNA in this hour-and-forty-four (‘144’) minute video.

Goldman states that Dr. Rein’s research was done as aforementioned, but that it may take months or many years for the him to publish these results in a scientific paper. Dr. Horowitz agrees, laments the same, but continues to question Dr. Rein’s methods, materials, and possible bias.



In their satsang video, the Goldman’s are recorded heavily promoting their entire set of Solfeggio Tuning forks.

This is much like an ‘infomercial’, Dr. Horowitz notes. The pitch is that the complete set of forks must be used to induce healing, but most reliably when used only in an “ascending order.”

Goldman explains that the entire set of forks and Solfeggio tones impacts DNA like a  “chemical formula.” Dr. Horowitz sees it differently.

Goldman’s metaphor relays his theory about hydrogen, oxygen and water, combining in a chemical formula that generates the positive end result of life. But he doesn’t go into the detail that Dr. Horowitz presents about water being a superconductive medium for energy transmission and memory imparting, not simply chemistry, but biophysics and epigenetics. Horowitz joined Dr. Lorenzen and Dr. Emoto in making this science more widely known.

Water powerfully conducts frequency resonances impacting DNA expression, conformation, and “cellular up-regulation” that describes the physical, physiological and metabolic changes that occur from DNA broadcasting resonance energy and memory from the structured water within DNA, Dr. Horowitz and his colleagues explain.

On a parallel note regarding water conducting the Solfeggio frequencies, the Goldman’s described a student, “Captain Vicki,” who used their Holy Harmony CD to attract dolphins to a tour boat. Dr. Horowitz reported the same outcome many years ago.  Reports from an Israeli research group–Ahava 528 (“LOVE 528”)–filmed similar dolphin interest in the 528Hz tone when played by bowls.



The Goldmans also share about how difficult it was for Jonathan to produce recordings using all nine of the “Holy Harmony” tuning forks because of dissonance between some of the tones. Yet, despite this difficulty, the Goldmans’ claim several of their CDs help people sleep, reduce stress, and are good for hospice care patients.

Dr. Horowitz agrees to some extent, but cautions against Jonathan Goldman’s assertion that the Solfeggio frequencies do not afford their use all together in musical compositions. Many of the nine frequencies are harmonics of 528Hz, and afford their use by recording artists. Horowitz regularly transposes music into the 528Hz frequency in tracks playing on

Dr. Horowitz stipulates that the 741Hz frequency (Solfeggio “SO” note)–the “Devil’s tone” in musicology–is aversive in sound and dissonant when played with 528Hz especially. 741 may be best used for “destruction,” Dr. Horowitz theorizes in his video.

Dr. Horowitz’s video also makes clear that the Solfeggio scale plays “God’s music,” not man’s music necessarily soothing to human ears. Being “God’s language” and “God’s creative technology,” the Solfeggio tones seem to source “off planet,” Goldman says and Horowitz agrees.

Finally, Dr. Horowitz advises people not to fall prey to online Solfeggio critics, naysayers and trolls who diss the fact that these frequencies are ancient, primordial, creative resonances.

Goldman and Horowitz both state that they just want people to experience the love and joy in using these frequencies for better health and living.



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